Healing Emotional Trauma & the Past ...

All of our experiences create a physical chemistry inside the body.

The energy of these experiences gets trapped in the body and we experience it as our current state, our present emotions, or a stale reaction to a new situation.

Releasing the energy that holds difficult past events stagnant in the body,

forces all of the other vibrations, associated with that energy, to adjust as well,

which completely changes how you hold previously painful memories.

This changes the whole fabric of the reality you are perceiving and can change what it feels like to be You.


  • Removing Cellular imprints

  • Finding your purpose and focus

  • Stress Management

  • Overcoming Low Energy, Personal Motivation obstacles

  • Sports and performance anxiety

  • Eliminating Negative self talk

  • Managing and eliminating Anxiety

  • Coping with Depression

  • Fears and phobias

  • Removing the energetic hold of:

  • Pain

  • Abuse

  • Guilt

  • Shame

  • Cancelling Metaphysical Contracts

  • Ending cycles of behaviour patterns

  • Ending ancestral patterns and memes

  • Clearing stuck emotions and trauma

  • Clearing Ancestral Lineage patterns

  • Connecting to your body’s consciousness for cellular healing)

  • Clear womb trauma and contract exploration

  • Soul Communion and reconnection

  • Outcome obstacle clearance

  • Discovering unconscious beliefs that hold us back

  • Reframing unhelpful beliefs

  • Dealing with Addictions, and habitual behaviours

  • Removing the potency of emotional triggers

  • Desensitising painful memories

  • Reinforcing new behaviours

  • Weight problems

  • Giving up Addictions

  • Addressing low esteem or self confidence issues

A Hypnotherapy Session helps:

Those that can let go and trust their own inner wisdom, and those that have experience with hypnosis, Spirit Journeys and guided meditation, tend to gain a lot of insight from a single session. Note that hypnosis and journeys use similar 'muscles' which are formed differently in different people - some will find it easier than others, and you will always get what you need and what you are ready to receive.

However, a lite vested interest in the outcome, can do wonders to spark your Soul's interest in providing answers. Try to remain open minded and let the practitioner know if there are any concerns, doubts and fears that you may have regarding the session. There is nothing to worry about as you are always in control and can return to full waking consciousness whenever you choose.

How to Prepare for Hypno Session

What to Expect

Hypno Energetics typically takes up to 2  hours and it is prudent to allow up to 3 hours.

It’s useful to take time after a session to integrate your experience.  Allow yourself the time, without needing to return to work or undertake any busy activities afterwards. Quiet time to reflect is recommended if at all possible. It is also advised to drink less caffeine before the session.